We currently maintain a database of 3D coordinates and dihedral angles mined from over 144,000 protein structures contained within PDB (Protein DataBank). The interface to this database is currently underdevelopment, but can be accessed through the following link:


Uca minax Transcriptome Database

We have reconstructed the transcriptome of the Uca minax (also known as the Red Fiddler Crab) using the software package Trinity. The website that we have created allows the user to browse the transcriptome by doing Blast searches on the reconstructed and original data. The website also contains information on the reconstruction process and all of the raw and processed data.

Website: Link .


We have an interactive database of N-H RDCs for a collection of over 50 proteins. The following link allows for exploration of this data as well as tools for estimation of order tensors.

Website: http://ifestos.cse.sc.edu/NESG.

Smoking Dataset

The following link will download the data used to train the neural network used in the following publication for smoking detection (file size ~400Mb):

Casey A. Cole, Dien Anshari, Victoria Lambert, James F. Thrasher and Homayoun Valafar. Detecting Smoking Events Using Accelerometer Data Collected Via Smartwatch Technology: A Feasibility Study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2017;5(12):e189

A citation to the above work should be included in any publication utilizing this dataset.

Matlab worksheet: http://ifestos.cse.sc.edu/datasets/SmokingInputTarget.mat

CSV: http://ifestos.cse.sc.edu/datasets/smoking_data.tar.gz